
Posts Tagged ‘imageshack’


julio 17, 2009 Deja un comentario

They decided to hack imageshack to bring attention to some security flaw which they allege was allowed to exist by security software providers fully disclosing the weakness. I do know the word “Script Kiddies” means inexperienced punks who often literally copy/paste code–IE the opposite of a true hacker who knows how a system works to find a weakness. I guess these guys are saying even some amateurs could do serious damage.


“In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all – security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.” –Edward Gibbon

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